Source code for nordlys.logic.features.ftr_entity_similarity

FTR Entity Similarity

Implements features capturing the similarity between entity and a query.

:Author: Faegheh Hasibi

from __future__ import division
import re
import math

from nordlys.core.retrieval.elastic import Elastic
from nordlys.core.retrieval.scorer import ScorerMLM

[docs]class FtrEntitySimilarity(object): DEBUG = 0 def __init__(self, query, en_id, elastic): self.__query = query self.__en_id = en_id self.__elastic = elastic
[docs] def lm_score(self, field=Elastic.FIELD_CATCHALL): """ Query length normalized LM score between entity field and query :param field: field name :return MLM score """ raw_score = self.nllr(self.__query, {field: 1}) score = math.exp(raw_score) if raw_score else 0 return score
[docs] def mlm_score(self, field_weights): """ Query length normalized MLM similarity between the entity and query :param field_weights: dictionary {field: weight, ...} :return MLM score """ raw_score = self.nllr(self.__query, field_weights) score = math.exp(raw_score) if raw_score else 0 return score
[docs] def context_sim(self, mention, field=Elastic.FIELD_CATCHALL): """ LM score of entity to the context of query (context means query - mention) E.g. given the query "uss yorktown charleston" and mention "uss", query context is " yorktown charleston" :param mention: string :param field: field name :return context similarity score """ # get query context match =, self.__query) if match is None: raise Exception("NOTE: Mention \"" + mention + "\" is not found in the query \"" + self.__query + "\"") mention_scope = match.span() q_context = self.__query[:mention_scope[0]] + self.__query[mention_scope[1]:] # scoring raw_score = self.nllr(q_context.strip(), {field: 1}) score = math.exp(raw_score) if raw_score else 0 return score
[docs] def nllr(self, query, field_weights): """ Computes Normalized query likelihood (NLLR): NLLR(q,d) = \sum_{t \in q} P(t|q) log P(t|\theta_d) - \sum_{t \in q} p(t|q) log P(t|C) where: P(t|q) = n(t,q)/|q| P(t|C) = \sum_{f} \mu_f * P(t|C_f) P(t|\theta_d) = smoothed LM/MLM score :param query: query :param field_weights: dictionary {field: weight, ...} :return: NLLR score """ query = self.__elastic.analyze_query(query) scorer_mlm = ScorerMLM(self.__elastic, query, {"fields": field_weights}) term_probs = scorer_mlm.get_mlm_term_probs(self.__en_id) # none of query terms are in the collection if sum(term_probs.values()) == 0: if self.DEBUG: print("\t\tP_mlm(q|theta_d) = None") return None # computes the NLLR score query_len = len(query.split()) left_sum, right_sum = 0, 0 for t, p_t_theta_d in term_probs.items(): if p_t_theta_d == 0: # Skips the term if it is not in the collection continue query_tf = query.split().count(t) p_t_C = self.__term_collec_prob(t, field_weights) p_t_q = query_tf / query_len left_sum += p_t_q * math.log(p_t_theta_d) right_sum += p_t_q * math.log(p_t_C) if self.DEBUG: print("\tP(\"" + t + "\"|d) =", p_t_theta_d, "\tP(\"" + t + "\"|C) =", p_t_C, "\tp(\"" + t + "\"|q) =", p_t_q) nllr_q_d = left_sum - right_sum if self.DEBUG: print("\t\tNLLR(" + query + "|theta_d) = " + str(nllr_q_d)) return nllr_q_d
def __term_collec_prob(self, term, fields): """ Computes term collection probability for NLLR: P(t|C) = \sum_{f} \mu_f * P(t|C_f) :param term: string :param fields: dictionary {field: weight, ...} :return: probability P(t|C) """ p_t_C = 0 for f, mu_f in fields.items(): len_C_f = self.__elastic.coll_length(f) tf_t_C_f = self.__elastic.coll_term_freq(term, f) p_t_C += mu_f * (tf_t_C_f / len_C_f) return p_t_C