Source code for nordlys.logic.features.ftr_entity_mention

FTR Entity Mention

Implements features related to an entity-mention pair.

:Author: Faegheh Hasibi

from nordlys.logic.query.query import Query

TITLE = "<rdfs:label>"
SHORT_ABS = "<rdfs:comment>"

[docs]class FtrEntityMention(object): def __init__(self, en_id, mention, entity): self.__en_id = en_id self.__mention = mention self.__entity = entity self.__en_doc = None def __load_en(self): if self.__en_doc is None: en_doc = self.__entity.lookup_en(self.__en_id) self.__en_doc = en_doc if en_doc is not None else {}
[docs] def commonness(self): """Computes probability of entity e being linked by mention: link (e,m)/link(m) Returns zero if link(m) = 0 """ fb_ids = self.__entity.dbp_to_fb(self.__en_id) if fb_ids is None: return 0 matches = self.__entity.lookup_name_facc(self.__mention).get("facc12", {}) total_occurrences = sum(list(matches.values())) commonness = matches.get(fb_ids[0], 0) / total_occurrences if total_occurrences != 0 else 0 return commonness
[docs] def mct(self): """Returns True if mention contains the title of entity """ self.__load_en() mct = 0 en_title = Query(self.__en_doc.get(TITLE, [""])[0]).query if en_title in self.__mention: mct = 1 return mct
[docs] def tcm(self): """Returns True if title of entity contains mention """ self.__load_en() tcm = 0 en_title = Query(self.__en_doc.get(TITLE, [""])[0]).query if self.__mention in en_title: tcm = 1 return tcm
[docs] def tem(self): """Returns True if title of entity equals mention.""" self.__load_en() tem = 0 en_title = Query(self.__en_doc.get(TITLE, [""])[0]).query if self.__mention == en_title: tem = 1 return tem
[docs] def pos1(self): """Returns position of the occurrence of mention in the short abstract.""" self.__load_en() pos1 = 1000 s_abs = self.__en_doc.get(SHORT_ABS, [""])[0].lower() if self.__mention in s_abs: pos1 = s_abs.find(self.__mention) return pos1