Source code for


Tools for working with MongoDB.

:Authors: Krisztian Balog, Faegheh Hasibi

import argparse
from nordlys.config import MONGO_DB, MONGO_HOST
from pymongo import MongoClient
from nordlys.config import PLOGGER

[docs]class Mongo(object): """Manages the MongoDB connection and operations.""" ID_FIELD = "_id" def __init__(self, host, db, collection): self.__client = MongoClient(host) self.__db = self.__client[db] self.__collection = self.__db[collection] self.__db_name = db self.__collection_name = collection #"Connected to " + self.__db_name + "." + self.__collection_name) @staticmethod def __escape(s): """Escapes string (to be used as key or fieldname). Replaces . and $ with their unicode equivalents. """ return s.replace(".", "U+002E").replace("$", "U+0024")
[docs] @staticmethod def unescape(s): """Unescapes string.""" return s.replace("U+002E", ".").replace("U+0024", "$")
[docs] @staticmethod def unescape_doc(mdoc): """Unescapes document content.""" if mdoc is None: return None doc = {} for f in mdoc: if f == Mongo.ID_FIELD: doc[f] = Mongo.unescape(mdoc[f]) elif type(mdoc[f]) == list: # for DBpedia collection doc[Mongo.unescape(f)] = mdoc[f] else: # for surface form collections doc[Mongo.unescape(f)] = {} for key, value in mdoc[f].items(): doc[Mongo.unescape(f)][Mongo.unescape(key)] = value return doc
[docs] def add(self, doc_id, contents): """Adds a document or replaces the contents of an entire document.""" # escaping keys for content c = {} for key, value in contents.items(): c[self.__escape(key)] = value try: self.__collection.update({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}, {'$set': c}, upsert=True) except Exception as e: PLOGGER.error("\nError (doc_id: " + str(doc_id) + ")\n" + str(e))
[docs] def set(self, doc_id, field, value): """Sets the value of a given document field (overwrites previously stored content).""" self.__collection.update({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}, {'$set': {self.__escape(field): value}}, upsert=True)
[docs] def append_list(self, doc_id, field, value): """Appends the value to a given field that stores a list. If the field does not exist yet, it will be created. The value should be a list. :param doc_id: document id :param field: field :param value: list, a value to be appended to the current list """ self.__collection.update({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}, {'$push': {self.__escape(field) : {'$each': [value]}}}, upsert=True)
[docs] def append_set(self, doc_id, field, value): """Adds a list of values to a set. If the field does not exist yet, it will be created. The value should be a list. :param doc_id: document id :param field: field :param value: list, a value to be appended to the current list """ try: self.__collection.update({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}, {'$addToSet': {self.__escape(field) : {'$each': value}}}, upsert=True) except Exception as e: PLOGGER.error("\nError (doc_id: " + str(doc_id) + "), field: " + field + "\n" + str(e))
[docs] def append_dict(self, doc_id, field, dictkey, value): """Appends the value to a given field that stores a dict. If the dictkey is already in use, the value stored there will be overwritten. :param doc_id: document id :param field: field :param dictkey: key in the dictionary :param value: value to be increased by """ key = self.__escape(field) + "." + self.__escape(dictkey) self.__collection.update({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}, {'$set': {key: value}}, upsert=True)
[docs] def inc(self, doc_id, field, value): """Increments the value of a specified field.""" self.__collection.update({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}, {'$inc': {self.__escape(field): value}}, upsert=True)
[docs] def inc_in_dict(self, doc_id, field, dictkey, value=1): """Increments a value that is inside a dict. :param doc_id: document id :param field: field :param dictkey: key in the dictionary :param value: value to be increased by """ key = self.__escape(field) + "." + self.__escape(dictkey) self.__collection.update({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}, {'$inc': {key: value}}, upsert=True)
[docs] def find_by_id(self, doc_id): """Returns unescaped document content for a given document id.""" return self.unescape_doc(self.__collection.find_one({Mongo.ID_FIELD: self.__escape(doc_id)}))
[docs] def find_all(self, no_timeout=False): """Returns a Cursor instance that allows us to iterate over all documents.""" return self.__collection.find(no_cursor_timeout=no_timeout)
[docs] def drop(self): """Deletes the contents of the given collection (including indices).""" self.__collection.drop() + " dropped")
[docs] def get_num_docs(self): """Returns total number of documents in the mongo collection.""" return self.find_all().count()
[docs] @staticmethod def print_doc(doc):"_id: " + doc[Mongo.ID_FIELD]) for key, value in doc.items(): if key == Mongo.ID_FIELD: continue # ignore the id key if type(value) is list: + ":") for v in value:"\t" + str(v)) else: + ": " + str(value))
[docs]def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("collection", help="name of the collection") parser.add_argument("doc_id", help="doc_id to be looked up") args = parser.parse_args() if args.collection: coll = args.collection if args.doc_id: doc_id = args.doc_id mongo = Mongo(MONGO_HOST, MONGO_DB, coll) # currently, a single operation (lookup) is supported res = mongo.find_by_id(doc_id) if res is None:"Document ID " + doc_id + " cannot be found") else: mongo.print_doc(res)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()